Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Traveling Maps

In my living room, I stuck a map to a cork board to map out my past and future travels, but I like this idea better! I even bought map pins and tied them together with string to plan for anthother trip. A few years back, I traveled to the West Coast with a couple friends. We had a magical trip. We had just finished high school. We were free. Now, looking back, there was so much we missed. Like the World's Largest Ball of Twine...or the world's largest anything. We were too worried about getting to the promised land of California that we let nothing slow us down. One day, hopefully while I'm still young, I'd like to do it again, but leisurely. Enjoy it, soak it all in, meet some locals, never eat at a chain joint (except for Sonic), and take way, way too many pictures.
Tutorial at projectwedding

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