Friday, August 28, 2009

First Day of School

Now that I'm out of college, I truly appreciate all that is summer vacation. I was always in such a hurry to grow up. Gain the car keys, the responsibility, the freedom, the choice...and now I wish I could go back. Growing up in a small town on a large plot of land, I regret not basking in the Indian summers I grew up with. As Summer turns to Fall, as I walk to my car after work instead of picking vegetables in the garden at dusk, I can almost feel the grass in between my toes. I so badly miss the awareness in the changing of seasons. When I was young, I actually noticed when the days started getting shorter and the mornings getting cooler. I still do now, but not in the same way. To be carefree...what I wouldn't do. I look back and smile now that I can see how I took it all for granted. I complained when asked to pick the string beans and pull weeds. Now I day dream about having a garden as I peer out my second floor apartment window, onto a small parking lot, with no grass in sight. What I wouldn't do to grab a jar and collect fire flies...not that I couldn't now...its just different. I even got excited about going back to school. It was a love/ hate experience. Even now I can remember the back to school shopping, certain items of clothing...always wanting a Lisa Frank(and now that I look at the site, there weren't trampy looking girls when I was younger, but dolphins and unicorns...oh how the times change) TrapperKeeper. If I went back to school now, here are some of my picks!

A Feast Fit for a Queen by NieNie Dialogues
What an amazing way to welcome back the school year!

Happy Hippos Skinny Mini Roll by bhive

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