Friday, July 30, 2010

June in Pictures

I saw Phish with Cta and Gombie.

I saw John Bulter Trio with Matt.

We went camping.

Crystal's grandmother gave her a satchel.

I met my protege.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

May in Pictures

I went to Minnesota for work.

I went camping.

I was 50% of the cutest picture ever.

My camera broke taking the best picture ever in Phillie.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm Backkkk (use a creepy voice to read that)

So here's the latest and greatest.

Just a few days ago I was thinking to myself, "Hey! Maybe I'll actually have time to blog when I head to North Carolina for vacation." I guess I got my wish early.

I'm in the hospital. I have been admitted and am currently begrudgingly attached to an IV of Heparin.

Keep in mind, this is the super abridged version!

Almost exactly 49 months ago, I was admitted to this same hospital for the same problem. After four failed diagnoses by a shit doctor, I was finally starting to feel better after being unable to eat, walk, or be comfortable. A week after my initial pain, doctors discovered blood clots around my stomach. I was immediately put on a Heparin dip and then was taught to administer Lovenox shots to my stomach (which my aunt was later required to do because I'm a baby) and then started a Coumadin regimen for the next year. After a year, my hematologist and I discussed going off the the meds and monitoring my health, which I did.

Flash forward 3 years.

I have mild stomach cramps and thought I made the mistake of telling my mom. Knowing my history, she 'strongly encouraged' me to go to the doctor, i.e. 'Go or I'll be mad at you.' So I called up my hematologist and he made an appointment for a 'STAT Cat Scan.' This made me feel very important. I left work with the intentions of returning the same day and made my way down the five blocks to the hospital. I notified my super awesome boyfriend, Cta, and told him it was no big deal because I was just doing it to make my mom happy.

She was right about him, I should have known better.

He showed up and we waited.

We read Us Weekly.

We read Better Homes and Gardens.

He read Time.

I got blood drawn.

We waited.

We made the nurse uncomfortable with our politically incorrect ranting.

We waited.

I got a Cat Scan with color contrast.

I thought I peed myself (look it up-its nuts).

We waited.

And waited.

Finally the nurse came in and I asked if I could head out.

She got all serious and told me they couldn't reach my doctor.

She told me I had a blood clot.


I swore at the nurse.

I cried.

Cta had never seen me cry.

He took it well.

He's a trooper.

Then I got pissed.

I have things to do. I have a wedding in 10 days. I have miles to run, and jewelry to make, a dress to pick up, hair to be done, work to go to, and oh ya, NOT A HOSPITAL TO BE IN. Cta pulled the Jasper mind control thing and I calmed down. Things got back into perspective. I'm not going to die. I'm going to be here. Work isn't going to burn down. I will be up and running soon enough for the wedding and my week long vacation to Topsail Island. I have insurance and an absolutely amazing support network around me. At best, this is a major inconvenience and something that I'll learn to deal with.

I am loved and I will be fine.

Especially when I have best friends like this:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer Wheat...and no, its not beer.

Some eye candy for a blazing hot Thursday.
Gotta love well done mixed media...

I'll be prepping for Mom's Margarita Madness this Saturday.
She won't drink Cuervo..
She loves her Patron...
and Don Julio...
and anything else pure agave.
At least I don't have to wonder where I get it from.