Saturday, November 28, 2009

Pictorial Thanksgiving

96 oz. of cream cheese= 4 pumpkin cheesecakes

Rub A Dub Dub Turkeys

Happy Father & Son at Work

Why not deep fry a clementine & apple?
Note to self: Apples explode.

Lovely if not hungry pup

Jam Session after 2nd Thanksgiving

Friday, November 27, 2009

A little late..

Here's my newest contribution to The Benevolent Postcard Society. It was sent to Australia on the 2nd...because the 1st was a Sunday! No luck on the return yet...and word to the wise: Don't over analyze it!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Time!

Last year we discovered the magic that is fried turkey. And no, we don't screw around. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Return to Apple Roots

As a kid, we didn't have cable TV. We burned wood for heat. My house was 300 years old. I did not think this was cool, especially during my teenage years. My friends would tease, "Do you use candles for heat and light?" However, Sunday I went to my parents house to make apple cider. Press apples into cider, the old fashioned way. And it was great and the best apple cider to date.

It doesn't hurt that some of it will turn into Apple Champagne in a few months, but let's keep that on the down low because I don't really want to share....So much for shunning the Amish.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cosmic Omelet

So yesterday morning, I woke up and started texting my bestie from bed on my day off. Flash backing to the days of minimal classes at the local community college of my freshman year, we decided to dash over to our favorite breakfast spot, Cosmic Omelet. She had to be at work in 2 hours and I was miraculously up early enough and only with the gym in my near future. With a big 'screw you' to the notion of a shower, I invited my brother, who declined due to work obligations (lame), and headed out. Sitting in the parking lot, I heard a loud thump on my passenger window that was Kel throwing herself into said window. We headed in to the familiar 'Sit where ever you'd like!' and slid into a booth. Our usual waitress came over a took our drink orders and we made our food orders with no need to look at the menu. Always the same: Tracy's omelet with jalapenos and white toast, Kel with rye. Just before your waitress headed back to the kitchen, she turned and said "Good to see you guys." It was amazing. We hadn't been there in over a year. We are just that memorable. Well I am. Kel is by association. Here's to good friends, bangin' breakfasts, and being legendary. Happy weekend!

Holidays in the White House at the Top of Stanley Street

This time every year, I start getting magazines with centerpiece ideas and mouth watering recipes...that will never happen. I always have grand visions of golden turkeys and berry-dotted stuffing, pies of something other than pumpkin, and vegetab
les different from green beans. These items never happen though. When it comes down to it, its about the family and the friends that are at the table. Fancy place cards are not needed because everyone gets along.

Conversations range at the pseudo-kid's table and the seasoned veteran's from hedgehogs ruining the yard to making five gallons of eggnog for the up coming Christmas party. The food is just as delicious as the year before, even though its the same. Its the tradition that is comforting and the repetition that only comes once a year that is warm and inviting. Its the fact that every year, my best friend comes to eat her third dinner of the day with us and I can always throw an olive clear across the table directly into her mouth during Grace and no one is none the wiser. Its the fact that this year will be my first Thanksgiving in a very long time being single, and I know that it will be OK because I will be in the presence of great company.

This year is also the first year, as an adult, that my household will be holding Thanksgiving. I'm oddly excited and nervous. My entire life I've watched and helped prepare the feast, even helping Nick grind the innards for my mom's famous stuffing. This year I'll be helping Nate and Crystal (and maybe even Dave) in that white house at the top of Stanley Street. Because I've managed to become the resident chef, I having a sneaking suspicion that I will be put in charge of cooking, with Crystal in charge of cleaning, and Nate is charge of pecan pies. However, I'm satisfied with that, because after all, when all is said and done, I will be surrounded by my friends and family, and the food will be delicious, and when I am stuffed to the brim, I can climb into my comfy bed at the top of the stairs in the white house at the top of Stanley Street.